
Purpose of Ubumi Prisons Initiative

-  Ubumi’s purpose is to contribute to a general improvement of the conditions in prisons in Africa. UPI wishes to help to establish the best conditions possible for the inmates in terms of physical, mental and social conditions and to work for that the inmates’ basic human rights are respected both while in prison and after imprisonment.   

- The focus is to improve the situation for particularly vulnerable groups in prisons. The following groups are included: Children, seriously ill such as people with TB/HIV/AIDS, the dying, the young, the pregnant, the mentally ill, the disabled, mothers and young children that stay in prison with their mothers. Other groups can be included if necessary. The goal is to improve the inmates’ and their childrens’ situation in prison and after their release. For children and young people also applies to improve conditions for their upbringing and future as citizens of their country.     

- The association wishes to assist children, former inmates, their families and their local communities with the reintegration process.

- Ubumi works for general openness and tolerance in society. With a rights based approach UPI works to ensure former inmates and their children the right to return to society and a life on equal terms with other citizens. Concerning children in prisons, UPI’s focus is to uphold the children’s’ rights through education, health services and protection from abuse and to advocate for a rights based approach for young people in conflict with the law (juvenile justice).   

- Ubumi strives to disseminate knowledge of the conditions of incarcerated people - this includes awareness of their basic human rights.


The Vision of Ubumi Prisons Initiative

A humane Zambia correctional service founded on principles of human rights, where the right to life, health, family, education, reintegration and human development are at the centre